
Bowman Tool Celebrates Zero Defects for August

Zero Defects - Lets Celebrate!

Bowman Tool Celebrates Zero Defects for August


Our quality performance goal is to have ZERO nonconforming parts delivered to our customers. To recognize the highly skilled team of Bowman Tool, we had donuts for completing our goal in August! This is the 3rd time this year the team has achieved this recognition!

In the areas of quality and delivery, we have exceeded our aggressive targets, and that is what our customers have come to expect. In the last few months, we were significantly below our target as well and in August we had ZERO defects! These results are reflective of a very strong and seasoned team. Our machinists average eight years of experience, some have close to 25 years of experience! 

On behalf of Bowman Tool, we want to thank you for all your hard work and dedication! 
